
Learn creating a Tetrominos game using Windows App SDK with this Tutorial


Tetronimos shows how you can create the game of Tetrominos or Tetris based on the work by OttoBotCode using a control in a toolkit from NuGet using the Windows App SDK.

Step 1

Follow Setup and Start on how to get Setup and Install what you need for Visual Studio 2022 and Windows App SDK.

In Windows 11 choose Start and then find or search for Visual Studio 2022 and then select it.
Visual Studio 2022
Once Visual Studio 2022 has started select Create a new project.
Create a new project
Then choose the Blank App, Packages (WinUI in Desktop) and then select Next.
Blank App, Packages (WinUI in Desktop)
After that in Configure your new project type in the Project name as Tetrominos, then select a Location and then select Create to start a new Solution.
Configure project

Step 2

Then in Visual Studio within Solution Explorer for the Solution, right click on the Project shown below the Solution and then select Manage NuGet Packages...

Manage NuGet Packages

Step 3

Then in the NuGet Package Manager from the Browse tab search for Comentsys.Toolkit.WindowsAppSdk and then select Comentsys.Toolkit.WindowsAppSdk by Comentsys as indicated and select Install

NuGet Package Manager Comentsys.Toolkit.WindowsAppSdk

This will add the package for Comentsys.Toolkit.WindowsAppSdk to your Project. If you get the Preview Changes screen saying Visual Studio is about to make changes to this solution. Click OK to proceed with the changes listed below. You can read the message and then select OK to Install the package, then you can close the tab for Nuget: Tetrominos by selecting the x next to it.

Step 4

Then in Visual Studio within Solution Explorer for the Solution, right click on the Project shown below the Solution and then select Add then New Item…

Add New Item

Step 5

Then in Add New Item from the C# Items list, select Code and then select Code File from the list next to this, then type in the name of Library.cs and then Click on Add.

Add New Code File

Step 6

You will now be in the View for the Code of Library.cs then define a namespace allowing classes to be defined together, usually each is separate but will be defined in Library.cs by typing the following Code:

// Using Statements

namespace Tetrominos;

// Position Class

// Block Class

// IBlock, JBlock & LBlock Class

// OBlock, SBlock, TBlock & ZBlock Class

// Queue Class

public class Board
    // Board Member, Properties & Constructor

    // Board ClearRow, MoveRowDown, IsInside & IsOutside Methods

    // Board IsRowFull, IsRowEmpty & ClearFullRow Methods


public class State
    // State Members & Properties

    // State Private Methods

    // State Constructor and Hold, RotateClockwise & RotateAntiClockwise Methods

    // State Left, Right, Down, Distance & Drop Methods


public class Library
    // Constants, Variables & Enum

    // SetPieces & Board Methods

    // Block, Preview, Next & Held Methods

    // Ghost, Score, Over & Draw Methods

    // Loop & Move Methods

    // Layout & New Methods


Step 7

Still in Library.cs for the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs you can define some using statements needed for the class by typing below the Comment of // Using Statements the following:

using Comentsys.Toolkit.WindowsAppSdk;
using Microsoft.UI;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Step 8

Still in Library.cs for the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs you will define a class for Position for after the Comment of // Position Class by typing the following:

public class Position
    public int Row { get; set; }

    public int Column { get; set; }

    public Position(int row, int column) =>
        (Row, Column) = (row, column);  

Position has Properties for Row and Column along with a Constructor to set them which will represent the location of an element for the game.

Step 9

Still in Library.cs for the namespace of Tetrominos you will define a class for Block after the Comment of // Block Class by typing the following:

public abstract class Block
    private readonly Position[][] _tiles;
    private readonly Position _start;
    private readonly Position _offset;
    private int _rotate;

    public int Id { get; }

    public Block(int id, int row, int column, Position[][] tiles)
        Id = id;
        _start = new Position(row, column);
        _offset = new Position(_start.Row, _start.Column); 
        _tiles = tiles;

    public IEnumerable<Position> Positions => 
        _tiles[_rotate].Select(position => 
        new Position(
            position.Row + _offset.Row,
            position.Column + _offset.Column));

    public void RotateClockwise() =>
        _rotate = (_rotate + 1) % _tiles.Length;

    public void RotateAntiClockwise() =>
        _rotate = _rotate == 0 ? 
            _rotate = _tiles.Length - 1 : _rotate--;
    public void Move(int rows, int columns)
        _offset.Row += rows; 
        _offset.Column += columns; 

    public void Reset()
        _rotate = 0;
        _offset.Row = _start.Row;
        _offset.Column = _start.Column;
    public IEnumerable<Position> Preview =>

Block uses Position to represent the set of tiles for the elements or Block for the game including Methods such as RotateClockwise and RotateAntiClockwise to update the tiles accordingly and to get a preview to be used to represent an upcoming Block.

Step 10

Still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs after the Comment of // IBlock, JBlock & LBlock Class type the following:

public class IBlock : Block
    public IBlock() : base(1, -1, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(1,0), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(1,3) },
        new Position[] { new(0,2), new(1,2), new(2,2), new(3,2) },
        new Position[] { new(2,0), new(2,1), new(2,2), new(2,3) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,1), new(2,1), new(3,1) }
    { }

public class JBlock : Block
    public JBlock() : base(2, 0, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0, 0), new(1, 0), new(1, 1), new(1, 2) },
        new Position[] { new(0, 1), new(0, 2), new(1, 1), new(2, 1) },
        new Position[] { new(1, 0), new(1, 1), new(1, 2), new(2, 2) },
        new Position[] { new(0, 1), new(1, 1), new(2, 1), new(2, 0) }
    { }

public class LBlock : Block
    public LBlock() : base(3, 0, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0,2), new(1,0), new(1,1), new(1,2) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,1), new(2,1), new(2,2) },
        new Position[] { new(1,0), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,0) },
        new Position[] { new(0,0), new(0,1), new(1,1), new(2,1) }
    { }

IBlock, JBlock and LBlock represent some of the Blocks in the game which are shaped like an I, J and L

Step 11

Still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs after the Comment of // OBlock, SBlock, TBlock & ZBlock Class type the following:

public class OBlock : Block
    public OBlock() : base(4, 0, 4, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0,0), new(0,1), new(1,0), new(1,1) }
    { }

public class SBlock : Block
    public SBlock() : base(5, 0, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(0,2), new(1,0), new(1,1) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,2) },
        new Position[] { new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,0), new(2,1) },
        new Position[] { new(0,0), new(1,0), new(1,1), new(2,1) }
    { }

public class TBlock : Block
    public TBlock() : base(6, 0, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,0), new(1,1), new(1,2) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,1) },
        new Position[] { new(1,0), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,1) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,0), new(1,1), new(2,1) }
    { }

public class ZBlock : Block
    public ZBlock() : base(7, 0, 3, new Position[][]
        new Position[] { new(0,0), new(0,1), new(1,1), new(1,2) },
        new Position[] { new(0,2), new(1,1), new(1,2), new(2,1) },
        new Position[] { new(1,0), new(1,1), new(2,1), new(2,2) },
        new Position[] { new(0,1), new(1,0), new(1,1), new(2,0) }
    { }

OBlock, SBlock, TBlock and ZBlock represent some of the Blocks in the game which are shaped like an O, S, T and Z

Step 12

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs after the Comment of // Queue Class type the following:

public class Queue
    private readonly Block[] _blocks = new Block[]
        new IBlock(),
        new JBlock(),
        new LBlock(),
        new OBlock(),
        new SBlock(),
        new TBlock(),
        new ZBlock()
    private readonly Random _random = new((int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);

    private Block Choose() =>
        _blocks[_random.Next(0, _blocks.Length)];

    public Block Next { get; private set; }

    public Queue() =>
        Next = Choose();

    public Block Get()
        var block = Next;
            Next = Choose();
        } while(block.Id == Next.Id);
        return block;

Queue represents the possible Blocks that will be returned from the set of Blocks that have been defined.

Step 13

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of Board after the Comment of // Board Member, Properties & Constructor type the following Member, Properties and Constructor:

private readonly int[,] _board;

public int Rows { get; }

public int Columns { get; }

public int this[int row, int column]
    get => _board[row, column];
    set => _board[row, column] = value;

public Board(int rows, int columns) =>
    (Rows, Columns, _board) = (rows, columns, new int[rows, columns]);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

The Member of _board will represent the elements for the layout of the game and the Properties will define the Rows and Columns for this with the ability to assign these using the this along with the Constructor and the _board will be updated with the Methods that will be defined in the next Steps.

Step 14

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of Board after the Comment of // Board ClearRow, MoveRowDown, IsInside & IsOutside Methods type the following Methods:

private void ClearRow(int row)
    for (int column = 0; column < Columns; column++)
        _board[row, column] = 0;

private void MoveRowDown(int row, int rows)
    for (int column = 0; column < Columns; column++)
        _board[row + rows, column] = _board[row, column];
        _board[row, column] = 0;

public bool IsInside(int row, int column) =>
    row >= 0 && row < Rows && column >= 0 && column < Columns;

public bool IsEmpty(int row, int column) =>
    IsInside(row, column) && _board[row, column] == 0;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Step 15

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of Board after the Comment of // Board IsRowFull, IsRowEmpty & ClearFullRow Methods type the following Methods:

public bool IsRowFull(int row)
    for(int column = 0; column < Columns; column++)
        if(_board[row, column] == 0)
            return false;
    return true;

public bool IsRowEmpty(int row)
    for (int column = 0; column < Columns; column++)
        if (_board[row, column] != 0)
            return false;
    return true;

public int ClearFullRows()
    var cleared = 0;
    for(int row = Rows - 1; row >= 0; row--)
        else if(cleared > 0)
            MoveRowDown(row, cleared);
    return cleared;

Step 16

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of State after the Comment of // State Members & Properties type the following Members and Properties:

private readonly Board _board;
private Block _current;

public Board Board => _board;

public Queue Queue { get; }

public bool Over { get; private set; }

public int Score { get; private set; }

public Block Held { get; private set; }

public bool CanHold { get; private set; }

public Block Current
    get => _current;
    private set => Update(value);

Step 17

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of State after the Comment of // Private Methods type the following Methods:

private bool Fits()
    foreach(var position in _current.Positions)
        if(!_board.IsEmpty(position.Row, position.Column))
            return false;
    return true;

private void Update(Block value)
    _current = value;
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        _current.Move(1, 0);
            _current.Move(-1, 0);

private bool IsOver() =>
    !(_board.IsRowEmpty(0) && _board.IsRowEmpty(1));

private void Place()
    foreach (var position in Current.Positions)
        _board[position.Row, position.Column] = Current.Id;
    Score += _board.ClearFullRows();
    if (IsOver())
        Over = true;
        Current = Queue.Get();
        CanHold = true;

private int GetDistance(Position position)
    var drop = 0;
    while(_board.IsEmpty(position.Row + drop + 1, position.Column))
    return drop;

State represents the conditions of the game including being able to place Blocks and determine if the game is over.

Step 18

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of State after the Comment of // State Constructor and Hold, RotateClockwise & RotateAntiClockwise Methods type the following Constructor and Methods:

public State()
    _board = new Board(22, 10);
    Queue = new Queue();
    Current = Queue.Get();
    CanHold = true;

public void Hold()
    if(Held == null)
        Held = Current;
        Current = Queue.Get();
        (Held, Current) = (Current, Held);
    CanHold = false;

public void RotateClockwise()

public void RotateAntiClockwise()
    if (!Fits())

Hold will hold a Block for the game and RotateClockwise and RotateAntiClockwise will rotate a Block.

Step 19

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs in the Class of State after the Comment of // State Left, Right, Down, Distance & Drop Methods type the following Methods:

public void Left()
    Current.Move(0, -1);
        Current.Move(0, 1);

public void Right()
    Current.Move(0, 1);
    if (!Fits())
        Current.Move(0, -1);

public void Down()
    Current.Move(1, 0);
        Current.Move(-1, 0);

public int Distance()
    var drop = _board.Rows;
    foreach(var position in Current.Positions)
        drop = Math.Min(drop, GetDistance(position));
    return drop;

public void Drop()
    Current.Move(Distance(), 0);

Left, Right and Down will move a Block accordingly and Distance will determine the minimum position on the Board and Drop will place a Block there.

Step 20

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // Constants, Variables & Enum type the following Constants, Variables, Property and Enum:

private const int max_delay = 1000;
private const int min_delay = 75;
private const int increase = 25;
private const int preview = 4;
private const int size = 36;
private readonly Brush[] _brushes = new Brush[]
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Cyan),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gold),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Purple),
    new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
private Grid _grid;
private Grid _next;
private Grid _hold;
private TextBlock _text;
private Piece[,] _pieces;
private State _state;

public enum Moves

Constants are values that are used in the game that will not change and Variables are used to store various values for the game, there is also an enum which is used to define moves possible in the game.

Step 21

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // SetPieces & Board Methods type the following Methods:

private static Piece[,] SetPieces(Grid grid, int rows, int columns)
    var pieces = new Piece[rows, columns];
    for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
        grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition());
        for (int column = 0; column < columns; column++)
            if (row == 0)
                grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
            var piece = new Piece
                Width = size,
                Height = size,
                IsSquare = true,
                Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
            Grid.SetColumn(piece, column);
            Grid.SetRow(piece, row);
            pieces[row, column] = piece;
    return pieces;

private void Board(Board board)
    for (int row = 0; row < board.Rows; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < board.Columns; column++)
            var id = board[row, column];
            var counter = _pieces[row, column];
            counter.Opacity = 1;
            counter.Fill = _brushes[id];

SetPieces is used to define where the elements that make up the visuals for a Block using Piece is performed and Board is used to set up the Board.

Step 22

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // Block, Preview, Next & Held Methods type the following Methods:

private void Block(Block block)
    foreach(var position in block.Positions)
        var counter = _pieces[position.Row, position.Column];
        counter.Opacity = 1;
        counter.Fill = _brushes[block.Id];

private void Preview(Grid grid, Block block = null)
    foreach (var piece in grid.Children.Cast<Piece>())
        piece.Fill = _brushes[0];
    if (block != null)
        foreach (var position in block.Preview)
            var piece = grid.Children.Cast<Piece>()
                .First(f => Grid.GetRow(f) == position.Row
                    && Grid.GetColumn(f) == position.Column);
            piece.Fill = _brushes[block.Id];

private void Next(Queue queue) =>
    Preview(_next, queue.Next);

private void Held(Block block)
    if (block == null)
        Preview(_hold, block);

Block is used to set elements of the for a Block and Preview is used to get the elements to display what a Block looks like. Next will use Preview to display the upcoming Block and Held will use Preview to display the Block being Held.

Step 23

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // Ghost, Score, Over & Draw Methods type the following Methods:

private void Ghost(Block block)
    int distance = _state.Distance();
    foreach (var position in block.Positions)
        var counter = _pieces[position.Row + distance, position.Column];
        counter.Opacity = 0.25;
        counter.Fill = _brushes[block.Id];

private void Score(int score) => 
    _text.Text = $"Score {score}";

private void Over(int score) =>
    _text.Text = $"Game Over! Final Score {score}";
private void Draw(State state)

Ghost is used to show a semi-transparent version of the Block where it would end up if placed, Score and Over will be used to set the output to be displayed accordingly. Draw will be used to call the Methods which will be used as part of the game-loop.

Step 24

While still in the namespace of Tetrominos in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // Loop & Move Methods type the following Methods:

private async Task Loop()
        var delay = Math.Max(min_delay, max_delay - (_state.Score * increase));
        await Task.Delay(delay);

public void Move(string value)
    var move = Enum.Parse(typeof(Moves), value);
    if (_state.Over)
    switch (move)
        case Moves.Left:
        case Moves.Right:
        case Moves.Down:
        case Moves.RotateClockwise:
        case Moves.RotateAntiClockwise:
        case Moves.Hold:
        case Moves.Drop:

Loop is used to create the game-loop and will also increase the speed of the game as it progresses to make the game harder, and Move will perform the actions based on the value that match the enum.

Step 25

While still in the namespace of Chessboard in Library.cs and the class of Library after the Comment of // Layout & New Methods type the following Methods:

private void Layout(Grid grid)
    grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() 
        Width = GridLength.Auto 
    grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() 
        Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) 
    StackPanel panel = new()
        Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
    _text = new TextBlock();
    panel.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Next" });
    _next = new Grid();
    SetPieces(_next, preview, preview);
    panel.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Hold" });
    _hold = new Grid();
    SetPieces(_hold, preview, preview);
    _grid = new Grid();
    _pieces = SetPieces(_grid, _state.Board.Rows, _state.Board.Columns);
    Grid.SetColumn(_grid, 1);

public async void New(Grid grid)
    _grid = grid;
    _state = new State();
    await Loop();

Layout will create the look-and-feel of the game including those to display progress and New will start a new game.

Step 26

Within Solution Explorer for the Solution double-click on MainWindow.xaml to see the XAML for the Main Window.
Solution Explorer MainWindow.xaml

Step 27

In the XAML for MainWindow.xaml there will be some XAML for a StackPanel, this should be Removed:

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" 
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
    <Button x:Name="myButton" Click="myButton_Click">Click Me</Button>

Step 28

While still in the XAML for MainWindow.xaml above </Window>, type in the following XAML:

        <Grid Margin="50" Name="Display" 
        VerticalAlignment="Center" Loaded="New"/>
    <CommandBar VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
        <AppBarButton Icon="Back" Label="Left" 
        Tag="Left" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Forward" Label="Right" 
        Tag="Right" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Download" Label="Down" 
        Tag="Down" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Priority" Label="Drop" 
        Tag="Drop" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Redo" Label="Rotate Clockwise" 
        Tag="RotateClockwise" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Undo" Label="Rotate Clockwise" 
        Tag="RotateAntiClockwise" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Stop" Label="Hold" 
        Tag="Hold" Click="Move"/>
        <AppBarButton Icon="Page2" Label="New" Click="New"/>

This XAML contains a Grid to contain the game itself along with a CommandBar which will be used to perform the moves in the game.

Step 29

Within Solution Explorer for the Solution select the arrow next to MainWindow.xaml then double-click on MainWindow.xaml.cs to see the Code for the Main Window.
Solution Explorer MainWindow.xaml.cs

Step 30

In the Code for MainWindow.xaml.cs there be a Method of myButton_Click(...) this should be Removed by removing the following:

private void myButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    myButton.Content = "Clicked";

Step 31

Once myButton_Click(...) has been removed, within the Constructor of public MainWindow() { ... } and below the line of this.InitializeComponent(); type in the following Code:

private readonly Library _library = new();

private void New(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>

private void Move(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) =>
    _library.Move(((AppBarButton)sender).Tag as string);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Here an Instance of Library is created then below this is the Method of New and Move that will be used with Event Handler from the XAML, this Method uses Arrow Syntax with the => for an Expression Body which is useful when a Method only has one line.

Step 32

That completes the Windows App SDK application. In Visual Studio 2022 from the Toolbar select Tetrominos (Package) to Start the application.
Tetrominos (Package)

Step 33

Once running you can tap on the appropriate button on the CommandBar to play the game where the goal is to get as many lines as possible, when you do that line will disappear but if you reach the top then the game is over, you can also Hold a Block or see what one is Next or select New to start a new game.

Tetrominos Running and Output

Step 34

To Exit the Windows App SDK application, select the Close button from the top right of the application as that concludes this Tutorial for Windows App SDK from tutorialr.com!
Close application